domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Vocabulary #1

biology: is the study of tliving and once-living things.

light microscope: light passes throgh the object being look at and then through two or more lenses.

stereomicroscope: is used for viewing large objects and things through which light cannot pass, such as insexts.
International System of Units: is a measuring system based on units.

meter: The SI unit of lenght.
volume: is the amount of space a substance ocupies.

kilogram: The SI unit of mass.
Celsius: scientists measure temperature.

scientific method: scientists use a series of steps to solve problems.
hypothesis: is a statement that can be tested.
experiment: testing a hypothesis.

variable: changes in a experiment.
control: comparing results.

data: are the recorded facts or measurement from an experiment.
theory: hypothesis that have been tested again and again.
technology: scientific discoveries to solve everyday problems.

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